Enhance Your Home Decor with Designer Durable Laminates

Just like you, even your home deserves a makeover. With the changing trends, change the interiors and exteriors of your home and give them a more adorable contemporary aesthetic touch with designer decorative laminates. With the enhancement in the technology of manufacturing laminate sheets, manufacturers today are coming up with quirky and stylish home decor laminates to suit any and every taste. No dearth of options Laminates allow you to install them on any and every kind of surface, be…

Maximize Vertical Space in the Kitchen with Laminate Boards

Compact kitchens mean limited space to cook, eat, and entertain; but this does not mean a mismanaged, cluttered, or not so modern kitchen. Compact kitchens are small in size but not in vertical space. So, instead of bombarding countertops with jars, baskets, or containers, all you need to do is look up for prospecting vertical space in your kitchen which you can make work. This shouldn’t need to be stressed on as you just have to come up with a…

The Aesthetic Shift

(Light, Color and Texture. The trio that defines modern interior designing) The dawn of Human Civilization bought with it the need for decoration of interior spaces. The need to plan and design man-made spaces for a pleasant environment is far greater than what it was in the 20th century. Interior design has now become a serious and full-time profession which is well established as a different trade in Architecture. It basically means the shaping of one’s environment to better suit…

Surrounded by Inspiration

(The new nature inspired trends in Interior Surfacing) With the growing Industry Supported and Corporate Lifestyle, many people have felt the stress of their environment. Global Warming, receding forest cover and factors like pollution have led the masses to wish for a frequent Adventure ‘outing’ in the wilderness. To walk in forests, sleep under stars, traverse around mountain-sides and to escape the routine is all one dreams of. This has also come into the home/workspace decoration detail aspect for the…

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Next five years of Interior Design Trends

There have been a lot of trends doing the rounds in the arena of interior design finishes. On one hand, there are the classics which stand on the minimalistic principles…

Dreamer Image Post

2 D isn’t flat anymore!

We all understand how space works, the entire point-line-plane-volume analogy (putting it in extremely bare terms) But in today’s age of cutting edge architecture, is 2Dsurface just a plane or…
